Friday, February 15, 2008

Los Angeles LEEDs the Way

Silver Lake Library
Originally uploaded by CD-13
Buildings consume 60% of electricity, generate 30% of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, and produce 136 million tons of landfill waste every year. Today Los Angeles took a huge step forward as two council committees today approved a new green building ordinance for the City of Los Angeles. This ordinance includes a new requirement that large developments meet a nationally recognized environmentally-friendly design known as LEED – or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This standard will take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, cut down on energy and water bills, and put Los Angeles at the forefront of the green building movement.

We’re asking more from developers, but we’re demanding much more from ourselves. We’re setting up a new Green Building Team designed to tackle codes and make it easier to build green. We’re also offering new incentives for builders that agree to meet a higher LEED standard.

Cleaning our air and water, preserving our land, and fighting global warming is important to our city’s future. We’re one big step closer to a greener, healthier Los Angeles.