Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How To Improve Your Neighborhood!

If you look closely, you'll notice a new addition to the website. Under the “Get Informed” section, there is a link entitled “How To”. Each of the seven pamphlets, ready to be printed out for community groups or fairs, provides information on a different city process that can help neighborhoods help themselves.

One of my guiding principles as a representative of an engaged and concerned neighborhood is to put the tools of government directly into constituents’ hands. Too often, the barrier between the needs of our communities and the delivery of services to remedy those issues is a result of a lack of communication between government and the people. Whether you want to wipe out graffiti on your street, make improvements to your home, install speed bumps on your street, or simply learn how the city operates, these brochures are a way that we can begin to break down the divide between government and the people it serves, a guide to enhancing your knowledge about how city government works and improving your neighborhood.