Thursday, June 21, 2007

Glassell Park and Cypress Park Walkabout

Following the success of the Hollywood Walkabout last year, I joined community members and urban planners alike for the Glassell Park and Cypress Park Walkabout, the first step in identifying opportunities to improve walkability and create a community-centered design plan for these two neighborhoods. We measured sidewalks, surveyed the different types of development in the community, and began identifying beautification measures, both within the community and sections that connect to the LA River Master Plan.

First among the 14 points identified in the Planning Department’s DO REAL PLANNING agenda is Demand Walkability, and communities such as Hollywood and Glassell Park are getting in on the act by bringing neighbors and planners together to discuss their vision for the future of their area. (And some parts of the area are much more walkable than the part in the picture above--though that is all too typical of Los Angeles's commercial corridors.) The Walkabout was a great first step towards a sustainable, community based vision for the future of Glassell and Cypress Park.

Photo from Luis Lopez's flickr stream