More than 16,000 potholes were filled last weekend as part of "Operation Pothole." The effort dispatched approximately 50 city crews in a focused attack on potholes that were reported by residents across the city.
I want to thank everyone who reported potholes and encourage people to continue to call 3-1-1 to report them. We have city crews on the streets everyday repairing potholes, but they need to know where they are.
Also, some damage to asphalt is not actually a "pothole" and different types of damage require different equipment and material to fix. If the damage that you reported didn't get fixed, it's possible that it actually requires a different process to repair. Here are a few common types of street damage that are NOT potholes:
Cracking: Alligator cracking (see photo), edge cracking, and other types of cracks in the asphalt can be caused by poor drainage, an inadequate base, or heavy loads. In these cases, workers must determine the cause of the crack and repair it accordingly.
- Raveling: Raveling is when particles of asphalt wear away, leaving behind a rough surface. This requires a different kind of "patch" than a pothole.
Rutting: Rutting (see photo) is a permanent deformation of pavement due to repeated exposure to heavy loads. Often, rutting occurs along the wheel path. Rutting is typically addressed by resurfacing the street.