Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Speak Out About DWP Reform Wednesday, 8/18

Starting Wednesday August 18th, I will be holding a series of hearings across Los Angeles for the public to speak out about how best to improve transparency and accountability at the Department of Water and Power. The first hearing is on Wednesday, August 18 from 6 pm to 8 pm at the PALS Center, 8721 Wilbur Ave. in Northridge. The goal is to ensure that the DWP puts its customers -- the people of Los Angeles -- first.

The hearing offers a chance for neighborhood residents, business owners, consumer advocates and experts to weigh-in on proposals to clean up the DWP, including my plan to put a City Charter amendment on the March 2011 ballot to establish an independent DWP customer advocate’s office.

This first hearing is being held in partnership with Councilmembers Greig Smith and Jan Perry