Friday, April 24, 2009

A little solar power and a little star power at Camino Nuevo Charter Academy

This morning I helped to unveil a new 1.36-kilowatt solar-electric system on the roof of Camino Nuevo Charter Academy. The project is part of Bonneville Environmental Foundation's Solar 4R Schools program, which teaches students and communities nationwide about renewable energy.

Bonneville donated solar panels and data monitoring for the system as well as classroom materials to teach students about photovoltaic technology. E-Village Solar donated the inverter and installation.

Last year, the Bonneville Environmental Foundation partnered American Idol to green its finale with a solar-electric system on the red carpet. This morning, Idol contestants Anoop Desai and Lil Rounds (in the center of this photo) were on hand to help announce the new system at Camino Nuevo.