As representative of the 13th district, I have had the privilege of working with some of the most extraordinary individuals in the country. From sanitation experts to public safety officers, the strength of Los Angeles can be found in the individuals that have devoted their lives to making the city a sparkling example of social justice, economic prowess, and community development.
It was with great sadness that I attended the funeral of LAPD Officer Landon Dorris, a member of the Northeast Division who was killed in the line of duty when conducting a routine traffic investigation. A three-year veteran of the department, Officer Dorris achieved his dream of joining the LAPD after having served for 6 years in the California Highway Patrol. Father of three-year-old Landon, Jr. and one-year-old Brandon, Officer Dorris embodied the very best qualities of a father and a police officer. His presence will be missed in our community and in our hearts.
Officer Dorris was not the only loss sustained by the City family. Angela Bowden, a long-time researcher for the Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE) organization, also left us too soon, passing away at the young age of 30. After dropping out of high school, she returned to Cal State Northridge, where she earned a degree in Deaf Studies/Linguistics, and then went on to earn a Masters in Economics from Cal State L.A. She worked tirelessly to connect low-income communities of color to information to develop effective, proactive workforce and economic development initiatives. My office worked very closely with her to develop a tiered health care workforce system that helped residents of the city move up the ladder in the health care industry. Angela's life was an inspiration, and her legacy will challenge us to work for economic justice in this city and the world over.
The work and commitment of Officer Dorris and Angela have forever changed the face of the city. Our thoughts and prayers are with both families.
Monday, October 30, 2006
A City Mourns
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5:39 PM
Ad Hoc Homelessness Meeting in Venice
Much of the debate in Los Angeles has centered on enforcement strategies used by the city to abate encampment activity in certain areas. While enforcement is an important part of the solution to homelessness issues, relying solely on the work of the LAPD is the equivalent of trying to sit on a one-legged stool. As we work towards addressing the root causes of homelessness and finding a decent shelter where homeless individuals and families have the opportunity to permanently get off the streets, we must be equally committed to the other two legs of the stool: services and outreach. We must reach out to those who are homeless to make them award of the possibilities that are available to them other than sleeping on the street and we need to invest in specially trained counselors to do that work. The final leg is the provision of services: shelter, health, and, in some cases, rehabilitative and educational programs are needed to find a permanent solution for those without housing.
In consideration of this broader approach, Councilmember Perry and I are seeking funds to open 500 additional shelter beds for homeless individuals in the city, 200 of which will be winter beds to provide extra relief during the harsher months. These beds may only be the first step towards solving the city's homelessness issue but they are needed while we develop permanent supportive housing options.
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9:42 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Enterprise Celebrates its 200,000th Affordable Home at Gateways
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11:25 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
People for Parks Awards
Being emcee was quite an honor. I had the privilege of introducing some of the most noted parks advocates in the city, including Councilmembers Tom LaBonge and Wendy Greuel, and Department of Recreation and Parks General Manager Jon Mukri. However, the night belonged to the awardees. We honored everyone from Carissa Perez, who helped create Cheerleading, Aerobics, and Ballet Folklorico classes, to Hazel Young, who championed Echo Park's Lotus Festival more than 30 years ago. A special award was also given to Brentwood Green, community organization of the year, for their work in creating green space at Brentwood Science Magnet. Finally, it was my honor to introduce my former colleague, Cindy Miscikowski, who was this year's recipient of the People for Parks Woman the Year award.
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5:12 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
John F. Kennedy New Frontier Award
I am very grateful to announce that I have been selected as a recipient of the New Frontier Award for 2006, presented by the Kennedy Library Foundation and Harvard’s Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government.
The award was created "to honor Americans under the age of 40 who are changing the world around them with their commitment to public service." Each year, the award is given to one elected official and one non-elective community service advocate under 40.
I have the great pleasure of joining Jane Leu, founder and executive director of Upwardly Global, a San-Francisco-based non-profit that helps immigrants establish professional careers in the US. (Jane and I attended the same program at Columbia, the School of International and Public Affairs, though not at the same time.) Jane has dedicated her life to opening doors of opportunity for immigrants and refugees by forging relationships with major corporations that range from Google to J.P. Morgan Chase. She's a tremendous advocate and innovator, and it will be a great honor to share a stage with her.
Kennedy's "New Frontier", the inspiration for the award, made its debut here in Los Angeles. On July 15, 1960, he stood in the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, and upon accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency of the United States, Kennedy spoke to the delegates and challenged the country, announcing that:
“We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier…a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils – a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats. The New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises – it is a set of challenges…I am asking each of you to be pioneers on that New Frontier.”
My thanks go out to the awards committee and to my family, my staff, and to the many of you who have worked with me on every project, small or large, that has advanced our vision of a safer, more just and more livable city, and a more open and responsive government. My gratitude to each of you for this honor won't fit on one webpage, so let me take this space to pledge, as Kennedy said, to push forward into “uncharted areas of science and space, unsolved problems of peace and war, unconquered pockets of ignorance and prejudice, unanswered questions of poverty and surplus,” and to work towards “new invention, innovation, imagination, decision.”
Posted by
10:20 AM
Walking for Peace
My office joined with clergy members from the Immaculate Heart Church of Mary and leaders from the East Hollywood community to walk and talk to the residents of this neighborhood, one of the poorest and most densely populated in the city. The walk was of special importance to Immaculate Heart, which has been a fixture in the neighborhood for decades. Under the leadership of Father Rodel Balagtas, the church has rededicated itself to reaching out to residents in the area and becoming a voice for the community. We called it the "Walk for Peace": the church and my office hope to reach out to neighbors who are often frightened to leave their homes, and to break down the barriers that exist between folks that may have lived side-by-side for decades, but rarely have the chance to meet one another.
The walk was a huge hit. Nearly 100 community members turned out to help knock on doors and inform their fellow East Hollywood residents about the work being done in the area. In the span of two hours, we covered nearly one square mile, speaking to more than a thousand constituents, letting them know what has been done and discovering what we have left to do. Thanks to all who attended!
Posted by
9:34 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The Inaugural Echo Park Farmer's Market
I want to give a quick thank you to all of those who made the farmer's market a reality, starting with Pompea Smith and her crew at SEE-LA, whose tireless efforts continue to provide fresh food alternatives throughout the city. Also, I'd like to thank all of the folks from the Echo Park Farmer's Market Committee. Finally, kudos to Katrina Alexy, who designed the Echo Park Farmer's Market logo. Thank you all for your commitment and congratulations on a tremendous inaugural event!
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4:25 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
New Farmer's Market
To the very considerable list of farmer's markets run by Sustainable Economic Enterprises-Los Angeles, add the brand new Echo Park Farmer's Market. I'm heading over there right now to join the very first one; they will go every Friday from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, at city parking lot 633 off of Logan Street, south of Sunset. More reports after I sample the goods...
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3:38 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Best Council District
It's not just the ice cream. A quick glance through today's Best of L.A./LA Weekly reveals that CD13 remains the best council district. (Was there any doubt?)
Coves (it's a pirate theme, don't ask)
- Best Converted Strip Club
- Best Reincarnated Park
- One in three Best Hidden Bars are in CD13
Read many, many more...
- Best Scanty Panties
- Best Place to Geek Out on old school video games
- Best Bike Shop That's Not a Bike Shop
- Best Place for Pre-Baby Bliss
- Best Place to Find Batty Knickers
- Four out of six Best Grooves for the Poverty Stricken
Buried Treasure
- Best Places to Hang Your Hat Forever
- Best "Make It Up to You" Gift Shop
- Best Downtown News (OK, the Garment and Citizen's offices are downtown, but its editor is my Echo Park neighbor)
- Best Portal to the Midwest
- Best City Staircase to Heaven
- Best Parking Lot for Hollywood Hydes
- Best Place to Pine for the Ol' Dirty Hollywood
- The Hungry Cat in Hollywood is one of the Best Last Meals from Davy Jones' Locker
- Best Place to Make the Morning Last
- Best Way to Reap What Others Sow
- Four out of six Best Ways to Squeeze the Juice out of Corporate America
- Best Non-Embarrassing Peanut Butter Crazies
- Best Gelato Snafu, i.e. the Neo-Neapolitan
Posted by
3:18 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A Letter on Hollywood and Vine
The success in saving the Bernard Luggage building has opened up the floodgates of Old Hollywood memory. Here's a letter from the granddaughter-in-law of the architect who designed the building:
Dear Mr. Garcetti,
I just read the article in the L.A. Times on preserving the Herman Building. On behalf of my family, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to you and everyone involved in saving this historic building. Carl Jules Weyl was a distinguished Los Angeles architect and designed many buildings in Los Angeles before he became a successful art director. Our family is honored that after almost 60 years since he passed away, he is still written about as an architect and art director in Los Angeles.
Our family celebrates Mr. Blue's victory as well. We would like to congratulate him and wish him continued success and thank him for the recognition he so cleverly gave on his billboard. Your welcome to give him my e-mail address if he would like to contact me, so that I can thank him personally from our family.
Thank you again for preserving Hollywood and part of the golden era.
The Granddaughter in-law of Carl Jules Weyl Sr.
Linda Weyl
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5:14 PM
Gateways Housing
I attended the 18th Annual Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH) Housing Conference, held in Downtown Los Angeles. At the conference, affordable housing advocates from across the region gather to participate in workshops, discover resources, and discuss how we can move the state towards a broader affordable housing agenda. The conference also served as the setting for the 2006 SCANPH Affordable Housing Awards. This year, Gateways Housing, which I have blogged about in this space before was awarded project of the year. Congratulations to the developer, A Community of Friends, and all of those community and city advocates that made this project a reality
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11:21 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Glassell Park Field Office Opening
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12:48 PM
The Lion and the Lotus
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9:31 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
The DART program has brought light to hundreds of individuals during their darkest hour. And yet, domestic violence persists in our city and in this country. It is a crime whose emotional wounds remain fresh long after the physical ones have scarred over. Here are some statistics about domestic violence in the United States, courtesy of the LAPD Domestic Violence Fact Sheet:
-A woman is beaten every 15 seconds in the US
-Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44
-Nationally, 50% of all homeless women and children are on the streets because of violence in the home
The Domestic Violence Hotline for Los Angeles is (800) 978-3600. More information about domestic violence is available at the department’s Domestic Violence home page.
Posted by
4:14 PM
14th Annual Thai Cultural Day
Los Angeles is home to the largest population of Thai Americans in the country, and Thai Town serves as the cultural and economic center for this dynamic community. I joined the Thai Community Arts and Cultural Center in celebrating the 14th Annual Thai Cultural Day at Barnsdall Park. The fair was ripe with Thai culture, from the four different dances from the various regions of Thailand, to the dramatic performances done by local actors, to the traditional music that filled the air. Thanks to all those who worked to put the day together, and I look forward to celebrating again next year!
Posted by
10:06 AM