The following is a guest post by Joseph Bernardo, CD13 Field Deputy for Historic Filipinotown
Los Angeles’ development throughout the 20th Century allowed the city to grow from a small pueblo to a bustling metropolis, emerging onto the national scene as one of the nation’s, and the world’s, foremost urban areas. However, along with this tremendous growth came some unintended consequences and negative impacts on the environment in and around the city. Today, we are working to clean up those areas. One of the major emphases on tainted lands throughout the country has been on “brownfields,” which, by definition, are properties whose expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
The Rockwood Park site in Historic Filipinotown is home to one of these brownfields, as abandoned oil extraction wells have a history of releasing small amounts of methane and hydrogen sulfide. The Department of Recreation and Parks has announced the acquisition of all three parcels constituting the park, the first step in moving towards cleaning up the property and making it once again an open space for the community to share in. The city’s Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) will be working with the US Environmental Protection Agency to find funding to clean up Rockwood. The improvements will include asbestos and lead paint abatement and hazardous materials remediation. Once these developments are complete, Rockwood will become home to a pocket park, a place where children and families can come to play and enjoy the open space.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Cleaning Up Rockwood Park
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4:26 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
Quinceañera is a terrific document of how Echo Park's different communities overlap, interact and conflict. Chicken Corner evaluates the film from the POV of a long time Echo Park resident, pointing out that the effects of gentrification are painful, but they aren't as new as other reviewers have suggested.
I won't go into a full-on review in this space (short version: I loved it), but I thought the CD13 blog would be a good place to add a minor but important detail about gentrification and city policy that didn't get picked up in the film itself.
(Spoilers after the jump.)
One of the twinned plots concerns Carlos, who lives with his cousin and their Tio Tomas in an apartment on the same lot as their landlords' house. After an affair between Carlos and the landlords goes sour, they move to evict the family from the apartment.
What no one in the movie ever points out is that under Los Angeles's Rent Stabilization Ordinance, this is completely illegal. The family could have learned their rights and defended themselves by calling the Housing Department.
Leaving out this detail didn't make Quinceañera any less realistic: Very few tenants know their rights, and many more are probably scared of exercising them. But Los Angeles filmgoers and tenants should know that although public policy can't untangle every knotty problem linked to gentrification, the city can help you fight unfair evictions.
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2:37 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
Vons and EVU, Working Together To Benefit Learning in the Community
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5:26 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Leading the way on LEED
The city council has unanimously approved a plan to expedite the plan-check process for buildings that conform to the “silver” standard of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) guidelines. The program, initiated by Councilmember Jack Weiss and me, will allow LEED-certified buildings to move to the front of the permitting line, saving developers time and money. The LEED standards, created by the US Green Building Council, establish a set of criteria developers can implement when designing their buildings that will make the construction, maintenance, and operation of these structures more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Included in these guidelines are credits for using green power, employing water efficient landscaping, building near public transit, and using recycled materials during construction. Each one makes Los Angeles a cleaner place to live and mitigates the impact that urban building and urban living has on the environment around us.
There are different LEED standards – certified, silver, gold, and platinum – each corresponding to an increasingly high level of environmental efficiency. Los Angeles already require all new municipal facilities to be LEED-certified, and since 2003 forty-six LEED-certified municipal facilities have been built. Today’s action will spur the private sector to join the city as the leader for green building in the country, as we work to make sustainable living in an urban setting a viable option.
According to Global Green , construction and maintenance of buildings are responsible for 40% of energy use and 30% of the wood and raw materials used. Equally taxing on the environment are the large amounts of pollution and waste produced by buildings, which create local pollution, drain natural resources, and accelerate climate change globally. The LEED certification process gives developers and communities alike the chance to alleviate the negative consequences of urban life with well-thought out designs, sustainable products, and emerging technologies. By encouraging the private sector to go green, we can transform both our built and natural environment. LA’s leadership in so many areas of life is known all over the world, and as urban life in the new century continues to transform around us, becoming a LEED city will ensure that we remain part of the solution and not the problem.
Posted by
4:31 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Safety and Security at LAX
Yesterday, I joined Mayor Villaraigosa, Chief of Police William Bratton, City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, and my City Council colleagues Dennis Zine, Jack Weiss, Bill Rosendahl, and Janice Hahn — along with federal security officials — to address local concerns that have arisen as a result of the arrests.
Though the national threat level was raised to the “orange” level for the aviation sector, a state of heightened alert, all Los Angeles-area airports are fully operational, and flights are departing and arriving as scheduled. Be sure to give yourself a little extra time to make your way through some of the extra security checks, and remove any liquids, gels, or other similar items from your carry-on luggage and store them in your checked baggage.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Silver Lake on Sesame Street!
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10:13 AM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
National Night Out
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6:09 PM
What was interesting about this year’s count was the qualitative difference that we noticed as we drove the streets of the city. Graffiti has moved off of the big walls and sides of houses where it used to be, and is limited to smaller and more remote media such as mailboxes, light poles and street signs. The canvas of tagging is indeed shrinking, as taggers are getting more and more desperate. The change that we have witnessed gets to the core of what UNTAG is all about – making neighborhoods feel safer. With graffiti less visible, taggers are not able to intimidate like they used to. The success of UNTAG is really in the way it feels to walk though the streets of your neighborhood.
Another revealing observation from this count was the success of our effort to remove graffiti at designated “hot spots.” Working together, the police monitor those areas that are chronically tagged, and our block captains have fully utilized our “rapid response” paint-out system. The success of our hot spots demonstrates the power of the community, and how important community participation is in improving neighborhoods. Click here to become a block captain today!
Picture courtesy of zota
Posted by
5:51 PM
A hearty welcome to CD13 blogger Jenny Burman, whose "Chicken Corner" is part of the growing LAObserved empire. Jenny lives in and blogs about Echo Park. She writes:
The lotus flowers are now, gloriously, almost in full bloom, their huge satellite-receiver leaves tilting toward outer space — "they missed the Lotus festival in mid-July, a result of cool spring weather, said the LA Times. The lotus thrive in slime, which makes me worry that when the city cleans the lake — Prop O funds are earmarked for the project — what will they do to preserve the lotus bed? Will they scour the lakebed and then add new slime to replace the toxic sludge they just spent zillions to scoop out? No imported slime could be quite the same as what we have spent decades developing here at Echo Park Lake.
Great point, and thanks, Jenny, for pointing out that Echo Park Lake is a high-priority Prop O project. Prop O raised half a billion dollars in bond funds to clean up our rivers, lakes and waterways through projects as mundane as funding more street sweeping to those as specialized and cutting edge as using parks to filter out contaminants.
It will be a couple of years before the Echo Park Lake cleanup under Prop O commences. The entire lake will be emptied of water and scraped clean of layers of earth, removing the contamination that has settled there over the decades, including toxic metals and the like. The lotus beds will need to be completely re-planted. As the time approaches, we'll contract with a plant specialist to make sure our signature plants get no less than star treatment.
Someday I'll blog about the time my partner Amy's niece fell in the water in Echo Park. Maybe I'll wait until she's old enough to be mortified by it.
Posted by
5:22 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The BOSS and trees
UPDATE: I was joking about city nerd in that last sentence, but it turns out he or she already blogged the Urban Forestry Division. Nice work!
Photo by wildbell
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4:52 PM
Shooting Flavors of LA at Henri's
Dennis and I visit Henri's Coffee Shop in Canoga Park (and even bang out a few tunes on the piano in Henri's adjacent jazz club, The Back Room). We make pizza at Pizza Plus and dine at top Zagat-rated Brandywine in Woodland Hills.
You can download the whole Channel 35 program guide for August here.
Posted by
12:53 PM